* Keep in mind that you need to download the necessary zip from your CodeCanyon's profile download section, along with your license key.
Step 1 - Uploading & unzipping files
No matter if you are using a subdomain, subdirectory, or a single domain installation, you need to upload the zip file which contains Idea FMS files, in its main (publicly accessible) folder:
and unzip its contents:
Unzipping files there, should provide the following structure at your public directory (cPanel-based example):
Step 2 - Create a database
Create a MySql Database via your web hosting providers Control Panel (e.g. cPanel). Once you have created the database, remember the following information:
Database Name
Database Username
Database Password
Step 3 - Start the automatic installer
Now that script files are extracted and you have database user details in hand, just visit or or (according to your URL type), and you will be redirected to the installation screen, where all basic requirements will be automatically checked and be verified:
Moving to the next screen, you will be asked to fill in your database details, along with company and personal information requested:
Pressing next shall execute the automatic installation task and a verification message will be shown.
This message will ask you to delete the install folder - Please do not skip this step!
Browse your files and delete the install folder completely (you dont need it anymore):
Congratulations - you have now installed Idea FMS! Next step is to click "GO TO YOUR LOGIN PAGE" link, so you can visit the backend area of the script and start configuring its options.
Update Process
Important Note: Prior performing an update operation, you need to backup your current files!
When a new version of Idea FMS is out, you will receive an e-mail update notice from CodeCanyon.
In order to update Idea Feedback Management System, you need to follow steps below:
Step 1: Download a fresh copy of its files from your CodeCanyon account.
Step 2: Delete everything and upload - extract the newly downloaded zip file in the root of your domain/subdomain/subfolder, as per installation steps described in Installation Procedure's Step 1
Step 3: Open /app/Config/Database.php file with your favorite editor and head to line 35
Step 4: Change your database name, username and password to the one you were using at the previous version of the script, and save the file
Step 5: Open index.php file of your root folder and change line 28 from "pre_installation" to "installed"
That's all you need. Your Idea FMS copy should be updated to the latest version.
While changes will be applied immediately - consider hard refreshing your browser's cache using CTRL+F5.
Frontend Translation
You can change every frontend language term by editing /app/Language/en/front_lang.php file
, changing the necessary texts and saving the file. While changes will be applied immediately - consider hard refreshing your browser's cache using CTRL+F5.
Backend Translation
You can change every frontend language term by editing /app/Language/en/default_lang.php file
, changing the necessary texts and saving the file. While changes will be applied immediately - consider hard refreshing your browser's cache using CTRL+F5.
Custom Code
You can apply your custom JavaScript code at the frontend header and footer parts, through the respective backend setting fields, as mentioned in the Custom Javascript code section.
You can also apply your custom CSS code at assets/custom.css file for the backend area. Applying custom CSS or altering React code for the frontend, will need you to recompile Idea FMS copy locally, using npm.
According to Item Support Policy of CodeCanyon, custom coding requests cannot be served under the umbrella of the support plan provided with every single license, after purchase.
If you have a custom request regarding Idea FMS or you want to recompile React using npm, our team will try to help you by guiding you with the necessary technical details needed, so you can either apply it on your own (in case that you are familiar with coding) or hire the proper professional to have it done.
Nginx & Other browsers
Our script is tested with Apache Webserver.
While it is compatible with all modern browsers, due to the technologies used in it, small alignments might be needed, in cases of environments with different browsers than Apache.
I.E for Nginx browser, you will need to provide the necessary rewrite rules.
Rewrite rules for CI4 can be found publicly and some hosting providers offer them already.
While our team can try to help you at this, this is considered as a responsibility of you and/or your hosting provider.